12: Device Review
Apr 25, revised: May 2, Aug 1, Nov 25, 2015
Devices I've wired/programmed* for the Raspberry Pi, Arduino and Spark Core (now Particle Photon)
- LEDs (everyone starts with these) - RAS
- Push buttons - RA
- PIR motion detector - R
- Magnetic door sensor - RAS
- Photosensor RAS
- DS18B20 temperature sensor - RAS
- DHT22 temperature/humidity sensor - RAS
- TMP36 temperature sensor - AS
- Raspberry Pi camera (B/W conversion, timelapse, security cam) - R
- Relay Switches - RS
- Water sensor - R
- Soil moisture sensor - AS
- Water valve/solenoid control - RS
- Rangefinder: ultrasonic, IR (several models) - RA
- Speakers - RA
- CO gas sensor - A
- Natural gas/propane sensor - A
- Mini vibrating motors - A
- Pi - Arduino Com over USB - A to R
- RF (radio frequency) read & write - A to R
- RFID sensor - AS
- 16x2 LCD text device - RA
- 7-segment clock device - R
To make the above work--
- resistors, capacitors, diodes, transistors,
- Darlington array - R
- I2C (MPC2308) - RS
- MPC3008 (analog) - R
- PWM - A
- Backup battery setup - RAS
- Also: Internet upload/download, email, text message - RS
* Programmed in Python, C, C++, Linux Shell, Crontab