35: My Arduino Nanos
I currently have 4 fully working Nanos. I recently installed one in a real-life situation for one of my granddaughter-farmers. At the time this left me with only one that I could download new code to. So I ordered 2 more cheap ones ($7 and change each). When they arrived they seemed to be working but the Coolterm app on my Mac couldn't detect their USB ports. I tried downloading a new driver and when that didn't work I send them back (too much trouble for the price). Unfortunately, I'd done the cheap Nano bit before ($3 each that time). Those 2 also didn't play nice. When will I learn? I now have a price point that maybe helps. I replaced the latest non-working pair with 2 from Sainsmart (via Amazon) for $12-ish each. They work fine.
I also have a Nano that Coolterm "sees" but which fails half way through downloading code from the Arduino app. So, essentially broken. And, I have literally burned 2 out through wiring mistakes. Best not to reverse connecting to VIN and GND (right next to each other, 2.5mm apart).
So, I bought 10 Nanos & have 3 working. You could probably do better.
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