Sunday, May 15, 2016

39: Problems with DHT22 Temperature/Humidity Sensors

For the past month or so I've tried DHT22s in my granddaughter's hoop house. With them I can provide her with useful humidity and dew point data. As I've mentioned in an earlier post, the hoop house is a rather hostile environment for electronics. If the spring sun is out, the temperature/humidity mid-day can be 90F/25% and at 2AM 40F/99% (dew point 40F). I've tried three different DHT22s and they have all failed after a few nights of 99% humidity. For my latest attempt I housed the DHT inside 16oz water bottle (bottom cut off, sealed at the top). It lasted 2 nights. BTW: they recover after a couple days away from the hoop.

Now I've ordered an HIH-4030, humidity-only sensor (much more expensive). I'll pair it with a cheap TMP36 (cheap & reliable). Unlike the DHT22, the HIH provides a simple analog output.  I won't have to use a mysterious software library -- but I'll have to run 2 sets of wires instead of 1.

Anyone have similar problems?

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